woman in red knit sweater holding white ceramic mug

2020 Wasn’t The Year We Wanted, It Was The Year We Needed

We never expected that this year would confine us to our homes, keep our loved ones at a distance, and cause us to lose everything we hold year. We expected more from 2020—more travel, more celebrations, more professional success. But even though we’d hoped for a year that didn’t hurt us, that gave us everything we’d ever dreamed, we needed 2020 more than we can believe.

2020 healed us. We found ourselves caught up in the mindless bustle of life, wishing we could slow down, pretending our minds weren’t reeling. We longed for change—true, sustainable change—to remedy the problems that have plagued us for too long. And in the midst of crisis, our lives became simpler—more mindful, more impactful. In 2020, we changed this world to fit what we needed—more peace, more mindfulness, more equality.

2020 transformed us. We were caught up in the material trappings of this world — glitzy nights out, exotic vacations, high-end restaurants. We lost sight of everything that truly mattered—time spent with loved ones, the world’s natural beauty, the love and laughter that keeps our hearts beating. And as the world devolved into chaos, we began to appreciate the sparse, distant time we shared with family and friends, the happy memories behind the photos, the moments that we took for granted. In 2020, we grew from loss, savoring every day, learning to love the simple life.

2020 gave us hope. We succumbed to fear, worrying that our world was a lost cause, wondering if the status quo would ever change. We watched tragedy overtake us and some stand by, refusing to use their power to better the world in our time of need. But as all seemed to be lost, we stood by our values—our desire for love, our need for safety, our yearning for progress—and used our voices to build a bright future. In 2020, we held onto our faith, knowing that we are all interconnected, that together, we can cast out our demons and change the world for the better.

2020 wasn’t the year we wanted. It brought heartache and tears, fear and anxiety, loss and hopelessness. But 2020 was the year we needed—the year that taught us to slow down, never take life for granted, and remember that even in the darkness, the best is yet to come.

About the author

Kelly Douglas

Lives for red lipstick, high heels, 80’s pop, cats, and Oxford commas.