Dear God: Please Help Me Heal

God, I am very tired. My heart is tired of pumping love to give. My brain is tired of producing the wisdom I need to think positively. My eyes are tired of crying tears every night.

Sometimes I think that You have forgotten me because the people I care about don’t seem to understand what I am going through.

Sometimes I think my life is useless and I don’t matter at all. I feel so tired waiting for the breakthrough that I have been praying for. And before I knew it, I am now questioning Your love for me. I start to ask if You have any plans for me at all because I feel stuck inside this black hole.

But because Your love is unconditional, I am always reminded of how much You care about me. And I know that even though I have committed a lot of sins, You’re always there to listen and You never give up on me.

God, please help me to heal without giving up.

God, please help me see my potential instead of my imperfections. I believe that You created each one of us uniquely but beautifully. Please let me see that beauty within me. I have been blinded by the expectations of the people around me. I don’t want to live in other people’s expectations anymore.

God, please help me accept the fact that I am a masterpiece work in progress. Please help me accept my weaknesses and make use of my strengths to be a better person. I don’t want to see myself as a weak and useless person anymore.

God, please help me fight my inner demons. Please help me strengthen my faith in You. I want the negativity around me to be powerless. I don’t want toxic people to interfere with my way of thinking about my life anymore. I don’t want to be dominated by my anger, frustrations, and anxiety. I want to be the person you want me to be.

God, please don’t let me drift away from the people who actually care about me and love me for who I am. Sometimes, life’s frustrations make me so mad and bitter about everything and everyone that it hurts the people who matter to me. I don’t want to hurt the people I love, because I am hurt in the process as well.

God, please don’t let me get afraid of the future. Please give me the strength and courage to keep on moving forward and face each day with a brave heart. Please don’t let me get swayed by disappointments and failures. Instead, please let me see the light in this black hole, the sunshine after the rain. Please let me see the beauty of life and teach me how to live my life to the fullest.

God, please guide me as I walk into the path that You have taken me. Because I am now surrendering everything to You. I am now giving You my complete trust in writing my story because I believe that Your plans are far greater than mine. And that You will never let me down.

God, please let Your will be done. I entrust You my whole life and the life of the people I care about. I don’t want to be selfish and arrogant anymore. I don’t want to rely on my own strength and thinking. I want You to lead me toward the path that You have chosen for me to take. Because I am now freeing myself from everything that has been keeping me away from You.

Dear God, thank You for everything. I am now healing through Your grace and love.

About the author

Rikki Louise Cereno

She writes.✍️