Zaron Burnett III

Be Your Own Hero

When America’s #1 Shoulder-to-Cry-On provided the cyclist a place to confess, or more like a place for him to kinda open up and kinda admit how he hung bags of blood from hotel walls so he could cheat to win, that’s when all the rumors became fact. And that’s when another hero fell.

How To Drive A Car That’s On Fire

With my head poking up out of the top of the car I must’ve looked like a giraffe on a circus train. Also, since I had long dreadlocks, my hair danced in the wind and smoke. I created quite a spectacle for my fellow commuters. But I didn’t care what they thought. I was only worried about my car.

What Are Men Good For?

The real issue isn’t that women are gaining power, but the sad fact men are getting left behind. Which is unfortunate because women may not like some of our throwback caveman behavior but they don’t seem ready to for us to disappear.

How To Love My Sister

“Difficult women” are difficult because our culture makes it hard for women to fully be themselves, express themselves, feel comfortable with themselves, and if you remember that, you’ll recognize it’s the rest of the world that’s difficult, not her.

You Can’t Find Real Love Online

No longer is internet dating an escape for the desperate, the lonely and the dirt-bags of the world. These days single people all over the world find each other in that vast digital environment of 1s and 0s.

How To Improve Your Sexual Chemistry

If you aren’t currently enjoying amazing sexual chemistry, there’s still hope. If you can seduce yourself… you can seduce others and be seduced.