Zach Stafford

I Almost Witnessed A Hate Crime

Tensions rose even higher, leading to the man threaten her. I grabbed my phone and inched forward, ready to call the police if it turned physical.

The Smell Of Middle School

I began putting one leg in at a time into my recovered jeans. As I slid them up I stared blankly into my locker and noticed my bottle of Fierce cologne — a cologne only sold at Abercrombie & Fitch — had a picture of a man’s torso on it. This man’s abdominal muscles were ripped and his body was lean. He had no face and I thought that was because any one could be him or at least dream of being him.

Location, Location, Location: Love In The Time Of Tinder

Over the past years we have seen the rise of GPS becoming intrinsic to our digital lives. From Facebook to Foursquare to Google, the divide between cyberspace and meat-space (term for ‘real life’) seems to be becoming smaller, making dating an obvious next stop.

To Be The Only Minority On A Plane

As each person walked past me, and I sat in the aisle seat, no one stopped to ask for the seat next to me. As they continued to pass, the flight attendant came on the microphone, “Passengers, this plane is going to be at full capacity. Take the first available seat. Thank you.” Yet still, they passed.

Confessions Of An HIV Counselor

“I’m a counselor, an HIV Counselor.” People usually stop, process, and take a sip of their drink before responding. In the moments before they can respond I add, “I work mainly with homeless youth.”

37 Things You Don’t Need To Be Sorry About

Dating someone your ex kind of dated, but never got serious with. Wanting to love someone, and being scared to tell them. Having brunch on Sunday and then going to bed afterwards.