I Have To Pretend That I Don’t Like So I Don’t Lose You

I Have To Pretend That I Don’t Like You So I Don’t Lose You

I fell in love from when I least expected. I fell in love when I least wanted to. But I’m glad I fell in love with you; but I never wanted to lose you. So let’s continue our little plays, pretend I don’t like you that way.

I watch the glow of your eyes and smile
Even if I look from distance and miles
I see the way you brightly shine
Even when people are as fierce and sly

I’m an observer; your secret admirer
I’m the one who loves you stronger,
The one who sees you grow better,
The one who writes you love letters.

We are nothing but little pretenders;
Dirty secrets that are hard to cover
Little banters that flow like river.
We are nothing but little secret lovers.

We’re always on the field ready to play
That, however, lead me so astray.
I’m conflicted, I don’t know what to say.
I fell, I’m sorry, I’m very disarray.

There are just so much to convey
But I don’t want you to leave one day
So it’s okay if we pretend this way
Be the one that got away. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Xavier Ecthelion