Wes Janisen
Articles by
Wes Janisen
Here’s What a Relationship Is Like When It’s Working
A relationship that’s working is candid, comfortable, and a little bit hilarious.
You Don’t Always Have To Know Where You’re Going
It’s just after midnight when your phone chimes with the noise of a new text message, that gratifying sound that lets you know someone out there is thinking of you.
The Beauty In Our Drunken, Late-Night Confessions
“Can I tell you a secret? You have to promise not to tell though, do you promise?”
A Label Whore’s Guide To Love
Although fashion enthusiasts are often pegged as stupid and superficial, I’d like to argue that we know a lot about love, and about what it means to want something special.
5 Things To Remember When It Feels Like Your Job Hunt Will Never End
A year later, my friend is no longer selling hamburgers and fries, but is instead selling Google Glass to developers. I kid you not. Moral of the story? Be great in everything you do, because you could be rewarded at any time.
What David Sedaris’ Fisting Joke Teaches Us About Art
There are no universals when it comes to art – some people will interpret your work favorably, and others will absolutely hate it.
All The Times Your Ex Will Think About You
He’ll go to the bar to get another drink, and then another, but that feeling will follow him when he goes home to bed alone that night.
You (Will Probably) Fall For Someone Who Doesn’t Love You
A love which starts out unrequited and remains unrequited, however, is not beautiful. It’s a sick, twisted, ugly sort of love.
I Effing Killed It At The Gym Today
Unlike the majority of Americans, I do not make the resolution to go to the gym and lose weight on the first day of every New Year.
Confessions Of An Old Virgin
I’m a 23 year old male virgin. Well, I was a 23 year old male virgin. Once upon a time, I was a 23-year-old virgin.
Why I Wear Purple On Spirit Day
I vividly remember the buildup to the first “Wear Purple” Spirit Day in 2010, created days after Tyler Clementi took his own life after being ‘outed’ on the Internet by his college roommate.
You Should Fall For Someone Who Doesn’t Love You
Let the agony, the obsession, consume you. Nothing hurts quite as exquisitely as loving someone who doesn’t love you.
It’s Never Too Late To Change Your Career
When faced with the daunting prospect of retracing a career path, the only thing that will keep us from breaking down and crying in public is pursuing something we love with the unrelenting enthusiasm of a child.
Don’t Run From Who You Are: Writing Advice From George Saunders & Cheryl Strayed
You can’t run from who you are. Not your brain, not your inclinations, or your experience.
How To Know If You’re “Settling”
A person with unreasonably high expectations is a person who demands to have everything they want, whereas a person who settles is compromising the things they deserve.
Things I’m Learning About Being In A Relationship For The First Time
Here I am, trying out the couple thing, which I can only compare to learning a foreign language as an adult: when you’re young, the knowledge seems to seep in by osmosis, but it becomes a conscious learning effort once you’re older and set in your ways.
20 Insensitive Things To Say To Your Friend Going Through A Breakup
Guess this will teach you not to let yourself go just because you’re in a relationship. Wanna come with me to Pilates tomorrow?
I’m Running For Pope
I may not have been inside a church in a while, but I *have* been a religious patron of a bar on Church Street, where I drink more wine (a.k.a. the blood of Christ) than you can possibly imagine.