Valaniece Christina

Funny girl, writer, & clueless.

Articles by
Valaniece Christina

The Story Of Me And The Week Before My Period

My gynecologist told me that my abnormal pap could be caused by HPV or potentially cancerous cells in my cervix. Actually, maybe she didn’t mention HPV… or cancer… or maybe she did… or maybe I just googled abnormal pap and entered a virtual rabbit hole that ended at cervical cancer. Either way, I was thoroughly alarmed.

Where Would We Be If Things Had Gone Differently?

Since March of 2020, the whole world has undergone one thrilling, continuous, collective existential crisis. The plans we made, the future we pictured, it doesn’t exist anymore. We’re a generation of fucked up individuals, and we’re the ones who have to clean up this mess.

The Class Of 2020 Is The Next Greatest Generation

When I say that the class of 2020 is the future, I mean it. I mean it in the least cliché way possible, because it is us who has seen the best and worst of one another, and it will be us who courageously leads society into the new frontier.

My Official Resignation From The Human Race

Although I am grateful for the opportunity to have been, for the time being, a productive member of society, I feel that I have gone as far as I can go in my career and I hope to move on to a place where I have more room to grow and where my skill set can be further utilized. Like my parents’ basement.