The Holiday

8+ Rom Com Unlikely Couples Who Won Our Hearts


These unlikely rom com couples shouldn’t have worked, and yet…

There are the beautiful couples that you see on screen and think, “Of course.” They go together like peanut butter and chocolate, like tortilla chips and seven-layer dip. They’re the Ryan Goslings and Emily Blunts of the acting world. While those kind of rom com moments are fun to watch, there’s something extra special about the unlikely duos. We’re talking about romantic comedy couples that seem like an odd match on paper, yet they totally work on-screen. They have so much passion and chemistry that you can’t help but wish they’d find love together in real life.

Now, we’re not saying that anyone in these couples is inherently unlovable. On the contrary, so many of these people are beloved by audiences. Rather, it’s that the match-ups got skeptical side-eyes from audiences before they saw the movie. But once we all saw these couples on screen? Oh boy, it’s like they’ve belonged together all along.

Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron in Long Shot (2019)


Seth Rogen is no stranger to rom coms, sky-rocketing his career in 2007’s Knocked Up. While that early romantic comedy was fun, the chemistry wasn’t exactly there. It turns out, that’s not a Seth Rogen problem. In Long Shot, by the time he and Charlize Theron act on their feelings, the chemistry is palpable. I can’t imagine a world where they wouldn’t make a perfect couple.

Jack Black and Kate Winslet in The Holiday (2006)

Jack Black and Kate Winslet in The Holiday
Sony Pictures

Judging by all the advertising for The Holiday, the filmmakers clearly thought Jude Law and Cameron Diaz would be the most-loved couple of the movie. Alas, as soon as we all saw the amazing chemistry between Kate Winslet and Jack Black, you couldn’t deny who the real star couple of the film was. And thus started a generation of people rightfully in love with Jack Black (if they hadn’t already gotten there thanks to School of Rock).

John Cusack and Ione Skye in Say Anything (1989)

John Cusack and Ione Skye in Say Anything
20th Century Fox

Not only were John Cusack and Ione Skye an interesting casting choice for every man’s favorite 80s rom com, Say Anything, but it was also the basis for the plot. Lloyd Dobler convinces Diane Court to go out with him even though the pairing makes no sense. But just like Diane realizes in the end that they’re the perfect match, so does the audience about Cusack and Skye.

Amy Schumer and everyone in the cast of I Feel Pretty (2018)

Amy Schumer and everyone in the cast of I Feel Pretty
STX Entertainment

This isn’t a dig at Amy Schumer. The point of I Feel Pretty is that she thinks she’s become model-hot when in reality she’s the same as she always was. It’s her unending confidence that attracts not only the loveably cute Rory Scovel, but rich magazine siblings Tom Hopper and Michelle Williams. When you see Schumer’s amazing personality, it becomes super believable that she’d be seducing literally everyone without even trying.

Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer in Warm Bodies (2013)

Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer in Warm Bodies
Summit Entertainment

Audiences weren’t convinced at the premise of a woman falling for a zombie, which might be why Warm Bodies is such an underrated gem. While it wouldn’t be out-of-this-world for someone to fall for Nicholas Hoult IRL, when you add the undead plotline, it gets a little murkier. Alas, the love is believable in this A+ film, especially since we get it from the zombie’s ultra-romantic perspective.

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in The Wedding Singer (1998)

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in The Wedding Singer
New Line Cinema

These days, we’re all well-aware that Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore have chemistry. They’ve showed it time and time again, but audiences weren’t so sure of the match back in 1998 with their first movie together, The Wedding Singer. Up to this point, Sandler was only starring in silly comedies. With this film though, he showed that he can easily pull the likes of Drew Barrymore.

Patrick Dempsey and Amanda Peterson in Can’t Buy Me Love (1987)

Patrick Dempsey and Amanda Peterson in Can't Buy Me Love 
Buena Vista Pictures

This may seem weird now, but Patrick Dempsey wasn’t known as “McDreamy” in the 80s. In classic “take off their glasses and suddenly they’re hot” fare, Dempsey is the classic nerd at the start of Can’t Buy Me Love. It isn’t until Amanda Peterson gives him his cool guy makeover that you suddenly see what all the fuss is about.

Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek in Fools Rush In (1997)

Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek in Fools Rush In
Columbia Pictures

Salma Hayek is one of those untouchable actors. She’s the pinnacle of beauty in any decade, so when movie-goers saw her paired up with awkward everyman Matthew Perry, it seemed like an odd choice. Alas, when you watch Fools Rush In, you’ll fall for him right along with her. Some match-ups may seem weird on paper, but they just make sense once you see them on screen.

About the author

Trisha Bartle

Trisha’s your resident tarot reader, rom-com lover, and horror connoisseur. In addition to using her vast knowledge of all things cinema for Thought Catalog’s TV + Movies entertainment section, she also offers her astrological and tarot expertise to Collective World. Trisha splits her time between making art and being awesome.

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