Tina Alexander
Articles by
Tina Alexander
8 Reasons Why Black America Is Obsessed With Scandal (And Why You Should Be, Too)
Pope shows her emotional vulnerability and is never apologetic for her moments of weakness. She doesn’t put on a tough girl exterior and if she wants to cry, she will cry.
10 Ways To Survive Working In Retail Management Without Losing Your Mind
Don’t make exceptions for that one person that just doesn’t want to work weekends, because then everyone will be off on weekends and you get to run from the registers to the fitting rooms and onto the sales floor for 8 hours a day 6+ days a week.
15 Ways To Make Working Out Fun (Really!)
Try a new class — even if you feel really out of place.
When The Parent Who Left Contacts You On Facebook
I reluctantly opened the message and it was one single sentence: “You remind me of someone that I once knew.”
11 Quotes From “My Mad Fat Diary” That Really Resonated With Me This Season
“You can spend the rest of your life being afraid of people rejecting you. You have to start by not rejecting yourself. You don’t deserve it.”
30 Things That Only People Who Live In San Francisco Know
You have come to terms with the fact that “Hella” will just never die. When you think it has, it will always come back with a fierce vengeance.
How Not Being Able To Have Kids Of My Own Gave Me A New Outlook On Life
I began to think about what I could offer myself, because there is so much more of this life to live out.
7 Reasons Why I Spent 7 Years In The Worst Relationship Of My Life
I cared too much about what his family would think of me.
26.2 Reasons Why You Should Run A Marathon
You will never know the power of a person cheering you on quite like they do in a marathon. In your weakest moments, a complete stranger will catch you running around that corner with your head down and defeat in your eyes and they will lift your spirits right when you want to quit.
The Question Everyone Asks When You’re Biracial
Being biracial is not a joke. It is being a human being.
Dating A Younger Man Vs. Dating An Older Man
I’m a large advocate that age ain’t nothing but a number and Stella should be able to get her groove back whenever she pleases.