30 Strange, Embarrassing Things Everyone Does But Nobody Wants To Talk About

Originally seen on this AskReddit.
1. ununpentium89
Every time I go to a wedding all I can think of is “they’re going to have sex tonight”.
2. madagent
Sniff finger after putting it someplace bad.
3. Hunter88
I don’t know if it’s true, imagining yourselves performing live in front of a huge crowd when listening to songs.
4. DarkLightx19
Everybody changes the story just a tiny bit to make it a better story. Till one day you believe that’s how it happened.
5. IrrationalConsumer
Getting satisfaction from squeezing blackheads or big zits etc.
Hope for some sort of robbery/shoot out during school where you single-handedly beat the antagonist, all in front of your crush who will then fall in love with you.
7. structuralbiology
Going to the bathroom just to wipe.
8. dlhunter
very unfairly judging people at first glance
9. jellyfishin
For the women out there, pulling hair from your butt crack after a shower.
10. TWarn9
I fart myself awake at least once a month.
11. dasboot21
When a door is closing try to quickly squeeze in without touching it, in a Indiana Jones like manner.
12. mrwhite777
Cup your hand against your torso in the shower, let that cup fill with water, then let that shit splash on the floor.
13. fiplefip
Have imaginary conversations where you inexplicably win the argument.
14. SJKim
I think of embarrassing things I have done in my past and make a disgusted facial expression and hope no one saw it.
15. bakedNdelicious
Wish that I would get hit by a car on the way to work. Not enough to kill me or maim me, but to get a couple of weeks off……
Start a song over from the beginning if you mess up the words too badly.
17. KevInHouston
Verbally narrate your life when no one else is around.
18. thedarkknightcrisis
Run up the stairs on all fours like an animal
19. HoldingThunder
Consider what life would be like as the opposite sex. Example: If I was a girl, guys would be buying ME drinks. Etc.
20. thedanyon
Run up the last bit of stairs like something/someone is chasing you. “Not this time, asshole!”
21. Accountthree
Read books and imagine themselves starring in the movie adaptation.
22. b0ynamedcr0
Sniff their underwears to find a fresh pair.
23. dankasaurusflex
Verbally assault inanimate objects.
24. Bearctopused
If you don’t want to wash your hands, you run the water just in case someone is listening
25. ImThatGuy42
When I’m in bed I imagine a love scenario with me and my crush that will never happen.
26. beannet
flick your boogers
27. weavjo
think of something to put on social media then get a crisis of confidence on the funniness or coolness and delete it…
28. Ceretellum
Feeling like an impostor that’s in danger of being ‘found out’ by others (like in my personality and profession)
29. EveryoneElseIsWrong
Pee in the shower.
30. EveryoneElseIsWrong
everyone makes excuses for themselves. if someone else lies, they’re horrible. but if YOU lie it was for a legitimate purpose, etc.