Tim Hoch
Tim Hoch is a lawyer, mistake repeater, embellisher of past accomplishments, forgetful husband, capricious father, double standard practitioner, weak ass raconteur. Read more of his work at his website.
Articles by
Tim Hoch
10 Rules Parents Must Follow When Talking To Their Kids
When my son was thirteen he was invited on a beach vacation with his best friend’s family. His friend’s mom (we will call her Doris) took my son and hers to the mall to shop for beachwear.
10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
Two words: Live boldly. Every single time you are offered a choice that involves greater risk, take it. You will lose on many of them but when you add them up at the end of your life you’ll be glad you did.
12 Things You Are Doing To Sabotage Your Future
Know this: there are very few obstacles that cannot be overcome. Hang in there and you will be amazed at what happens. You will achieve much of your success by attrition.
7 Habits You Can Develop In Your 20s That Will Pay Off Big In Your 30s And 40s
You will not be successful because of who you are. You will be successful because of who you think you are.
50 Rules For Daughters
I posted “50 Rules for Sons” in anticipation of my son Stephen’s graduation from high school. This year I am posting my “50 Rules for Daughters” for Sophie, 17 years old, and Hallie, 13 years old.
50 Rules For Sons
Give people the benefit of the doubt, until you doubt the benefit. Then stop. You’ll know when that is.
Relationship Advice: The 50 Things You Need To Do For A Relationship To Last
This is how to make a relationship last.