I Hope You Remember
Noel Alva

Read This When You Don’t Know What To Do With Your Life

What am I going to do with my life?


My heart used to jump every time someone would ask me what I wanted to do with my life, because at the time I was 25 and had been devastated after my breakup and being stranded in China.

“Uhh… I don’t know. Maybe get a job?”

I said this primarily to break off from the conversation, but in truth, I was worried.

What am I going to do with my life?

Should I go back to school and get my masters degree?

Should I help out with my family’s business?

Should I start building my career?

Should I start dating again?

I knew I had to make a decision to get my life moving again, but at the same time, I was afraid of being unhappy. Afraid that I’d make the ‘wrong’ choice.

I’m sure many of you have experienced a similar dilemma where you’ve felt lost and worried about how your future will turn out. Where everyone you know seems to be achieving what they want (e.g. working at a well-known company, getting engaged/ married) and feeling satisfied with their lives.

Except you.

But that’s where you’re wrong.

The truth is, everyone around you is facing the same problem — they’re all trying to find their purpose in this world. They question if they‘re doing the right thing, if they’re on the right path, if they’re truly happy with the decisions they’ve made in their life.

A well-respected doctor might secretly hate herself for not pursuing her passion in writing.

A mother might regret having kids early because she didn’t have enough time for herself.

A millionaire with a Lamborghini and dozens of girlfriends might still feel lonely.

People who you assume are ‘successful’, who you believe to have their life together may feel just as lost as you are.

So what should I do?

Find yourself.

Find what makes you truly happy, understand what you’re passionate about, do the things you never had a chance to do.

Life is about discovering who you are and living a life that you would be proud of.

You might get advice from people who insist that you follow a certain path or direction. But just take that advice with a grain of salt because advice like those are often imparted by people who wished they could’ve taken that advice on their past selves, which might not necessarily be the kind of advice that benefits you.

Remember, your life is yours to build, not for others to steer.

As long as you keep pursuing the things you love and challenging yourself to try new things, you’ll eventually know where and what you want to be.

At least that’s how I discovered what I wanted to do with my life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark