Thought Catalog

TC Month In Review: August

This month at Thought Catalog, we cataloged a lot of thought. Jimmy Chen cataloged thoughts about Old Spice, bird shit, online dating, and porn. Shawn Vandor cataloged a recollection of his vacation to Mallorca, a small Mediterranean island, located to the southeast of Spain. Andrew James Weatherhead cataloged the four times he saw people have seizures.

Gore Vidal: 12 Quotes

Gore Vidal (1925 –   ) author, essayist, playwright, and political activist, has long been a celebrity on the American scene.  Son of a West Point graduate who distinguished himself in the Army and an actress, Vidal attended Philips Exeter before enlisting in the Army during World War II.

The Chainsmokers: Party People

The Chainsmokers are Rhett Bixler (born, 1987) and Alex Pall (1985). They went to New York University, where Rhett studied journalism and Alex art. Now, the duo regularly spins parties at all the premium venues in New York City and The Hamptons – venues like Tenjune, Kiss and Fly, Mr. West, Marquee, Dune, Georgica, and Eldridge.

Ofer Wolberger – “Life with Maggie”

Ofer Wolberger (b. 1976) is an artist living and working in New York City. In the following 2009 project, Life with Maggie, Wolberger puts together a collection of images documenting “a character lost in space and time.” The result is something beautiful, and eerie.

Seven Kanye West Revelations from his Ustream Chat Yesterday

So we, you know, vibe’d out at my house and we just kept bouncing ideas and we had all these references of these like renaissance paintings and baroque paintings, and I always had the dream of, like, re-creating the Sistine Chapel in a way…

Tennessee Williams: 13 Quotes

One need consider only a handful of characters from Williams’s oeuvre – Amanda Wingfield, Stanley Kowalski, Blanche Dubois, Maggie, Big Daddy, all of whom are still very much alive in the lexicon of popular culture – to comprehend the scope of his contribution to the art world.

The Most Memorable Tony Hayward Quotes

Tony Hayward finally got his wish, he got his life back. The former CEO of BP announced his resignation yesterday. To honor the occasion, here’s a look back at some of his most memorable quotes…

Russians Launch Donkey Into the Sky

“They gave this donkey a parachute ride in order to attract holidaymakers’ attention to this sort of entertainment. The parasailing donkey brayed and the children cried, but no one was smart enough to inform the police about the incident…”

No More Oil Spill?

The New York Times and other major news networks, state BP and the Federal Government are once again at odds. BP claims that everything has been going great since they dropped a containment cap on the gushing well head on Thursday.