30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

19. It’s like having a sleepover with your best friend every single night for years and years. Sometimes really fun, sometimes really annoying.

20. It’s wonderful, but stressful. It’s amazing, but disheartening. It’s so many things. It’s like having a best friend and a lover in one person. It’s overcoming arguments, and learning from mistakes. It’s learning the other person’s past, and wanting to be in their future.

21. Imagine having someone around who gets all of your jokes – most of them anyway. You both hear something that reminds you of that time you were both at that place and that thing happened so you just look at each other and laugh or smile because you know you’re thinking of that exact thing.

Everything in your life is made more special and more interesting because you can share it with that other person.

It’s more than having a best friend who you get to have sex with. It’s a bond on a physical, emotional and spiritual level with another person.

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