30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

11. It’s great, scary, comforting, rewarding, difficult but overall one of the best things. It’s really nice to share your life with someone who is compatible in the important ways.

It’s not easy in some ways because you need to remember that another person is in your life so you’re not just thinking of your needs and wants and schedule. Not that you can’t do your own thing, just that you will have to consider them in making choices. Still very worth it.

12. It feels like you’re a team. You always have someone to turn to, to support you because you do the same for the other person. When you’re with the right one, you make each other better people by opening up your hearts and becoming a little more selfless.

13. A SO is similar to a dog. No one in the world will be as happy as when you come home, or you when you see each other out. They will feel entitled to your food, but that’s okay because you love them. They give you warm cuddles, but my god do they get toasty in the bed and it seems no matter how far away you try to get, they get close to cuddle you again. But a SO talks and laughs with you, and if you actively commit to open communication – then you never really have fights or blow out arguments.

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