30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

9. It’s challenging. It’s being a fallible, imperfect, wounded human being who is constantly changing, and sharing your life with another fallible, imperfect, wounded human being who is constantly changing. Nothing stays the same. Not the good things, not the bad things.

Being in a committed long term relationship is different from just having a SO. It’s both constant work (civility and respect as well as healthy boundaries) and easier work at times (it’s just fun!) The longer I know this man the more I truly like him, the more I love doing the most ordinary things with him and more I know I will be with him until death separates us EVEN THOUGH WE DRIVE EACH OTHER CRAZY SOMETIMES.

You go though phases – there are good times and hard times, especially when you’re together for a long time. People get sick. People you love die. Eventually you’ll die too. But I had never been in a relationship before this one where I knew so clearly that he was totally on my side — totally in my corner. As I am in his.

10. It’s like having another part of yourself. You’ll never get more comfortable with anyone else ever. It’s almost like having a twin, but with some “obvious differences.”

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