30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

29. At first it’s awesome, everything is new and exciting. You’ll stay up late talking and getting to know each other on a deep level. You’ll explore each other’s bodies and figure out what each one likes and doesn’t like. The first year or 2 you’ll put on your best self and try to hide your insecurities. Eventually you’ll get comfortable enough to show them your not so great side and your flaws and you’ll see theres. Now you’re completely comfortable with them, you’ll fart in front of them and not be embarrassed, she’ll quit shaving her legs in the winter and not wear makeup when you come over. You’ll slowly quit doing the random sweet things for her because she’s already yours and you don’t have to impress her any more. She’ll quit making 3 course meals and start making boxed mac and cheese. Eventually you’ll get married and have kids. You’ll argue about who’s turn it is to wake up with the baby. You’ll diet together and try to lose the baby weight. You’ll quit going on dates because you’re too tired to go out even if you have the opportunity. Eventually you’ll realize you’ve been slacking and not treating you’re wife right and you’re setting a bad example for your son on how he should treat a woman. So you’ll start taking care of yourself more, eating right, working out, writing sweet notes in your wife’s lunch for her to find at work. You’ll get more energy and get the love you show your wife right back because she’ll realize she’s been slacking too. Your kids will think you’re gross when you kiss and show affection but they’ll understand it’s a good thing one day. All in all having a SO is awesome if you pick the right one. Sure theres ups and downs but just remember it’s not a competition, you don’t keep score. You do things for them because you love them and they’ll do the same. Having a SO is literally dedicating you’re life to your best friend and trying to make them as happy as they make you.

30. It’s like having a best friend but you can share everything with them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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