30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person 

26. It’s different than I had imagined. It has its ups and downs like everything in life, but with a little bit of effort it’s an overwhelmingly positive experience. You have to be mindful and learn how to view things from someone else’s perspective. You also have to learn how to be brutally honest and how to communicate effectively. The hardest part for me was letting yourself be vulnerable around your SO. It’s one of the only ways to know who they really are.

27. Imagine having a best friend that is hot and willing to touch your junk.

28. They are your best friend who is willing to go through your best happiest moments and your worst shittiest moments also you feel love in every way from the bottom of your heart, in a way you feel like you need this person and they need you.

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