50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

17. I would have slept in more on my actual wedding day. I was super tired the whole time.

18. Not paying for a cleaning company at my venue. Me, my wife, and wedding party had to stay 2 hours later to clean up to get our deposit back.

19. Renting a nice room in a fancy hotel. And then expecting to have sex when we were both just absolutely fucking exhausted. Don’t get me wrong, my wedding day was possibly the best day of my entire life, but it would have been just the teensiest bit better if we’d gotten some charming bed and breakfast and not forced ourselves to have tired, tired sex at like 1 in the morning. Turns out fancy ass hotel rooms are basically just like a clean version of non fancy ass hotel rooms, not that my poor ass would have known that before hand.

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