50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

14. Smashing cake in my new brides eye, ruining her makeup in the process. Don’t smash the cake in the face.

15. Having my dress so tight. My seamstress told me since it was strapless I should have it tight so it would stay up. It was so uncomfortable. I could only eat a couple bites of dinner and have a couple sips of champagne before I had to stop due to it getting unbearably tight. Couldn’t drink at all for the rest of the night, and felt like I couldn’t 100% enjoy the dancing cause all I was thinking about was getting back to the hotel and ripping the damn dress off.

16. I regret leaving for the honeymoon the day after the wedding. I would have been nice to sleep in, have brunch in bed, and spend most of the day naked together. Instead we got up at 5 am, went to the airport, and spent 9 hours traveling.

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