50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

43. Not having a good contract with the venue. We signed the venue contract he gave us. Our $3,000 venue became $15,000 as soon as everyone bought their plane tickets. We almost called our wedding a month before it was supposed to happen.

We should have. Day of the venue owner was trash talking us. Demanding extra money. My best man spent 12 hours after the wedding cleaning because the cleaning crew we paid for through the venue was there to “only pick up cigarettes butts”. $500 worth of cigarette butts. It was a nightmare.

44. There were a couple people that we decided to not invite. More accurately, we needed to cut a few after booking the hall and realizing how many we could fit in the room. I didn’t realize how hurt those few people would be. They brought it up years later. I still feel bad about it. My wife’s uncle and his wife are horrible people and they brought people that weren’t even invited and basically forced them into their already full table. It was awkward. I regret inviting them and not inviting the hurt friends that I mentioned above.

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