50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

50 Married Couples Reveal What They Regret The Most About Their Wedding Day 

Ask Reddit has advice on how to make your wedding perfect.

1. Our wedding song. I wish we had picked a romantic top 40 hit from the year of our wedding so that when it gets replayed on the radio we could be nostalgic. We picked an obscure song that is beautiful but never comes on unexpectedly.

2. Not doing a hair trial. I wound up with some weird Game of Thrones braids inspired mullet thing, and the curls fell out as soon as I left the hotel because it was super humid. I would have opted for something different.

3. Making cupcakes instead of buying a cake. We did a lot of DIY–made the beer and mead for toasts, assembled flowers and centerpieces–because it was cheaper but also we like making things. But the cupcakes, in retrospect, were a ton of work and not that great. 

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