30 Beautiful (But Simple) Ways To Build Up Your Self-Confidence 

11. Meditation. If you take the time to look inside yourself and accept all of the things that happened/you dealt with makes it easier to be confident.

12. I like to set a lot of short-term and long-term goals. I write them down and then each time I achieve one, I cross it off of the list. I always feel like I am making progress and progress makes me feel confident in myself.

13. Be around positive people. You’ll be surprised how fast your opinion of yourself changes and how happy you are and how much you smile when the simplest change you make is being around someone who sees you for the good in you. Don’t be around people who demean you, belittle you, and talk down all of your accomplishments and efforts. Be around people who appreciate you for who you are and I promise you you’ll start to appreciate yourself soon enough.

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