27 Healthcare Workers On The Most Haunting ‘Last Words’ They’ve Heard On The Job


My husband is a PICU nurse and one morning he came home in a bit of a daze. I asked him what was wrong and he told me about a little boy who had been in PICU for a few days already and wasn’t getting better. Most nights, the little boy would wake up so one of the nurses would keep him company while he fell asleep again. My husband was doing just that, he read him a book then just sat there with the boy listening to music so he would go back to sleep. Before falling asleep the little boy said “You were my favorite”. The boy passed away in the morning, his little heart gave out and refused to restart.

Although all patients are important, some leave more of an impression than others. Until that point, that little boy hadn’t stood out to my husband and he felt terrible about it because, clearly, he had made a big impression on that little boy. That was the only patient’s funeral he has ever attended.

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