27 Healthcare Workers On The Most Haunting ‘Last Words’ They’ve Heard On The Job


My buddy who went on to be a doctor had an elderly female patient. Probably 90-100 years old. Her daughter left the room to get coffee and my buddy had to check on her vitals. They were normal. Then she woke up, smiled and got teary eyed. She said “i knew you’d come back for me, im sorry i didnt marry you. My family wouldnt let me. But i will now, i promise.” My buddy just held her hand and smiled. She laid back and closed her eyes and her heart stopped. She had a DNR and was gone just like that. Her daughter had no clue what she meant. Her husband had been dead for 10 years and they were married since they were 20.

My buddy doesn’t know if its relevant, but we are black and maybe she was in love with a black guy a long time ago. Because she was looking right at him when she spoke. Idk, shits weird.

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