27 Healthcare Workers On The Most Haunting ‘Last Words’ They’ve Heard On The Job


Not a medical worker, but I went with my father to say goodbye to my great-uncle (his uncle). He was suffering from dementia and clearly on the way out — he no longer recognized people.

My father was an only child, and spent most of his time being raised by his uncles, as his father ran a farm all day.

Anyway, we’re sitting there, and great-uncle is snoozing. He suddenly wakes up and clearly sees my father and starts talking to him about a barn and describing it in great detail. Like, he’s talking about where it is, the way the paint was flaking off in one corner, and so on.

My father is quieter than normal and just saying “yes” over and over as he describes the barn.

Then, just before great-uncle loses consciousness, he describes going into the barn and setting it on fire.

Turns out that my grandfather and great-uncle were having a helluva dispute at one time and burned down the barn to get back at him. Everyone suspected, but never knew for sure.

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