27 Healthcare Workers On The Most Haunting ‘Last Words’ They’ve Heard On The Job


Not a medical worker, but when I was 14 my friends and I were joking around before our 7th period theater class. My one friend, who was always a big goof, was playing along with a joke that he and another classmate were breaking up and said, “This relationship is over!” Then spun around around and fell to the floor for dramatic effect. Except it wasn’t for dramatic effect, because he actually suffered heart failure and died instantly from an unknown condition (acute myocarditis). None of us realized it and laughed along. I even picked up his glasses from the floor and put them on to tease him about how blind he was. When I tried to give him his glasses back I was struck by how discolored his face was, and then blood began to pour from his mouth. That’s when the screaming started. Absolutely fucked me as a 14 year old to realize we could all just drop dead at any moment.

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