23 Conspiracy Theories That Are Actually Pretty Convincing

Ancient civilizations

I believe that human civilization may have gotten as advanced as we are now in the distant past.

First, anatomically modern humans have been around for soy like 300,000 years. Civilization, from the earliest settlement we know of to today is maybe 20,000 years old. In short, there’s absolutely plenty of time to go from Sumerians to Americans nearly 10 times over in the time span between the first modern humans and Sumerians. And given that there’s nothing unusual about the humans who built Sumer.

Second, there are lots of legends about human civilization being destroyed by angry gods, usually because of humans behaving badly. The Greeks had a story like that, the Bible, the Hopi, the Zarathustrians, just about any place where there’s a record, you can find history of and often prophecies of a catastrophe that ends civilization and more often than not, caused by human hubris.

Third, there are all kinds of anomalies in history. Egypt has model airplanes, Indian scripture has Vimenas that sound a lot like airplanes or spacecraft. There’s the pi Reis map that shows Antarctica before it had been discovered, and it’s accurate. These things don’t make sense unless you have people understanding technology near our own level before us.

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