What's It Really Like To Win A Date With A Celebrity Contest? 

What’s It Really Like To Win A Date With A Celebrity Contest? 

22. I was about 11 and it was one of those send in contests. (Really showing my age.) Anyway I was a huge wrestling fan, we didn’t have the internet and I was young so I KNEW wrestling was real. There was a contest where you could send in and meet with your favorite wrestler, mine of course was Kane since he was a total badass. I never win anything so I was super surprised when I heard back and I won. I was the happiest little kid ever. The day I got to meet him I was so excited, I wore his mask to the event and I remember asking young kid questions like “how did you survive getting hit with weapons” and stuff like that. He was a great guy, I asked him to chokeslam me through a table but he respectively decline. Thinking back he was very nice to my mom, who was single at the time. Makes me wonder…..

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