What's It Really Like To Win A Date With A Celebrity Contest? 

What’s It Really Like To Win A Date With A Celebrity Contest? 

20. Won a bid for tickets to have dinner with a member of a japanese pop/rock band my sister and I were fans of. We got picked up in a van with the other 3 winners (we all joked we were being kidnapped) before getting to a thai restaurant. Told us to eat before he got there, so we did. Then he showed up and was super kind and courteous, even speaking through a translator. Middle of dinner a friend/bandmate of his just drops into dinner like “yo what’s up”. Very cool. Ended with pictures and poses and just overall a great time.

21. Got free tix and back stage private meet and greet with B.B.King at House of Blues in Chicago. After show, got escorted up above the stage and through some catwalks by a huge bouncer dude who said “Follow Me” and “Go in here.” and nothing else until I left and he said “Thanks. Good night.”

BBK was super chill and cool. He was eating applesauce and cheese cubes (something about diabetes?). We got a picture and I thought that was pretty much it. When he found out we were both from Mississippi, he invited me to sit down and shoot the shit with him about our favorites Miss. restaurants in my hometown, Biloxi, which he had been to a bunch of times on tours. Anyways, just a really cool, laid back dude.

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