50 Toxic Things Every Girl Should Stop Romanticizing About Love, Life, And Relationships

7. Stalker/creep behavior being excused if the person is attractive. I heard some women the other day talking about the show “You” and how they wish that guy would stalk them.

8. The need to constantly be in a relationship. Being single isn’t the end of the world.

9. Gender norms in dating. When people insist on needing a “perfect gentleman” or a “perfect woman”. Not just because it’s an unreasonable expectation, but when they realize that someone’s a person or push against those conventions, they tend to bemoan that they don’t fit those molds.

Girl, you gotta go ask guys out sometimes. Relieve the pressure, make him feel special by taking him out to dinner. Dudes, chicks aren’t always trying to be cute. Sometimes chicks just wanna dick around and be crude too.

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