When You Have Anxiety, These 50 Things Make Your Heart Race
When you are following your GPS and accidentally take a wrong turn in an unfamiliar city and your GPS doesn't update right away so you keep going the wrong way.
When you have anxiety like these people from Ask Reddit, seemingly small things can upset you.
1. When I’m in the drive-thru and something goes wrong with an order. It feels like time stands still and everyone behind me is wishing I’d hurry up but there’s nothing I can do.
2. Answering questions in class. I know this is a voluntary thing, but as soon as the professor asks a question I know the answer to my heart rate skyrockets as I think about answering. Usually I don’t raise my hand, but it certainly makes me anxious just thinking about it, and then it gets a thousand times worse if they have random call…
3. When I’m talking to someone and their expression changes suddenly, and my stomach drops like, “What did I say?”