50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You

50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You

20. Being mean to/about their moms. I hope this isn’t as common as my experience has made it out to be. I’ve known many guys who talk about their moms like they’re these annoying idiots or something, constantly bitching about them or putting them down really casually. And I’ve met a lot of those moms, and most have been lovely.

21. That throat thing where they go overboard trying to bring up phlegm and spit on the pavement. It’s disgusting honestly.

22. Your cologne. Jesus Christ, spray the lightest mist in front of you and step through it ONCE (before you dress)– that is all you need. Stop fucking dowsing yourself in it, you don’t smell good and you are choking everyone around you with the obnoxious scent and triggering my migraines.

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