50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You

50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You

12. Claiming to be an “Alpha” or putting other people down.

Trashing other people is just lame. There’s a hundred conversations we could have and you wanna talk about the waitresses’ weight? And the alpha bullshit is, to borrow a phrase, “beta af”.

13. Constant Flirting. Yeah I mean, its cute and all but I would also like to have a conversation without you commenting on me. I just want a decent conversation, and your here flirting. Ya’ know what i’m getting at?

14. I hate it when guys try too hard to be the “MANLY MAN.” Like, Dave, I’ve been on my own for awhile, I can open a jar of salsa.

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