50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You

50 Things That Are Going To Turn Her Off, Not Make Her Sleep With You

 4. Being “stupid” or clueless about “feminine things.”

Like I see girls talk about asking their boyfriends to pick up tampons and laughing at how the poor things just CANNOT navigate the aisle to save their lives as if it’s endearing or something.

Like, can’t he read? Tampax pearl, regular, 18 count. Pick up the box and go, ya dolt.

5. Frowning or looking “alpha” in pictures. Nearly every dating site picture has a guy, backwards baseball cap, sternly looking at camera. Sunglasses optional. I want to date someone who is friendly and can smile!

6. Calling other men unmasculine because they don’t like a certain hobby/movie/music/tv. Nothing says insecure more than this to me, in fact, I find it more masculine to just like what you like regardless of others opinions on the matter.

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