50 Men Reveal What Turns Them On Now That They're Older And More Mature

50 Men Reveal What Turns Them On Now That They’re Older And More Mature

45. Taking things seriously. When I was younger I had a real thing for the lazy, funny, almost apathetic guys. My parents were super uptight and fought with me all the time about inconsequential things. I just wanted someone who was fundamentally chilled about everything. That’s cool in your teens but as an adult it tended to mean irresponsible people who didn’t bother to find jobs that excited them or find any interests, they also never had anything they felt or spoke passionately about. My current boyfriend is definitely not chilled, but he is passionate about his interests and he has strong emotional reactions to everything and whilst he doesn’t find his job that fulfilling he believes in working hard for it which is incredibly attractive to me.

46. Women over the age of 30.

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