50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again 

50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again 

39. First class on my first day in college, I see this beautiful girl waiting outside my class for the professor to unlock the door, and realize I have to be with her.

We started dating after a few weeks, and are married now.

Love at first sight.

40. We met at work! We got hired 6 months apart to design bridges and neither of us had ever designed a bridge before, although we had all the needed qualifications to make our boss believe we were capable of learning this. (In other words, we were both fresh out of engineering grad school and had a strong background in analysis.)

Our desks were side by side, and we liked each other immediately. Our dynamic was very much “office husband/office wife”. It stayed like that for two years. He was very good at designing bridges, as it turned out, and moved up quickly. I was only ok at designing bridges, and was not moving up, so I took a job in a different department (thankfully, I have moved up well here), and after I left, we realized we missed each other, and started dating.

We live together now, and couldn’t be happier. (He still designs bridges.)

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