50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again 

50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again 

31. I was unemployed and had a job interview in the city (NYC) and was a few mins early for my interview so I stopped by a Starbucks to get a cup of coffee (I know Starbucks is terrible but I wanted a cold brew) while on line I noticed her but didn’t do anything because I was focused on this interview. Anyways she had an issue with her order and turned around and accidentally bumped spilled her coffee all over me, she apologized and offered to pay for my dry cleaning and we exchanged numbers and talked texting and ended up dating. Ended up didn’t going to that interview but ended up getting a better job so not only did I get the girl I also got a job.

32. I’m a commercial airline pilot and she’s a flight attendant. We met working together years ago when I was first starting out as a co-pilot.

I’m planning on retiring early in a few years, she quit her job about 5 years ago to stay home and take care of our kids.

We own a bed and breakfast out in northern California my wife runs while I’m away, and I’m looking forward to retirement so I can spend more time with her and the kids and helping her run the place.

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