50 Fans Talk About The Time They Had An Average, Everyday Conversation With A Famous Celebrity

50 Fans Talk About The Time They Had An Average, Everyday Conversation With A Famous Celebrity

39. Met Elon Musk in a Tesla store in LA. Really wanted to meet him but didn’t want to be that guy. Decided I had a plan, so walked up to him and said, “Excuse me, do you work here?”

He replied, “I mean yeah kind of.”

I say, “Ah what can you tell me about the entertainment console of the Model S?”

He says, “Let me see if I can find someone to help you.”

To which I say, “Nah I’m just fucking with you.”

He laughed and shook my hand and walked off.

40. My sister had an encounter with Jack Black where she didn’t know it was him. We were at a concert for my uncle’s band and she texted me from downstairs while she was charging her phone “I totally just had a conversation with someone who looked like a fatter Jack Black” I texted her back that our uncle knows Jack Black and that was definitely him. Good thing she didn’t do the whole “do you ever get that you look like a heavier Jack Black?” thing!

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