50 Fans Talk About The Time They Had An Average, Everyday Conversation With A Famous Celebrity

50 Fans Talk About The Time They Had An Average, Everyday Conversation With A Famous Celebrity

21. Michelle Pfeiffer used to come into the hockey rink I played at in NorCal. Her son played and so did David. She’d sit up in the club/restaurant watching practice or games and no one ever treated her like she was mega famous. We mostly just left her alone. Btw, She’s even more beautiful in person.

22. My dad and I bumped into Michael Jordan at a Walgreen’s near Chicago. This was back in 2006 or so.

We were picking out birthday cards for my mom, and MJ and his son came in the same aisle browsing some cards. My dad kept his cool and continued to look through different cards, giving him his personal space. I, on the other hand, was 9 years old and in awe, sort of staring at him. After MJ picked out his card, he winked at me and gave me a walk-by fist bump.

Didn’t really set in until I was older how cool that was.

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