50 Secrets Your Girlfriend Has Been Keeping From You

50 Secrets Your Girlfriend Has Been Keeping From You

10. I suppose guys are warned about unexpected boners when they get sex ed, the same how girls are warned that discharge is normal as they’re going through puberty. I see a lot of discussion about said boners, I guess the girl secret would be just how frequent it was to go to the bathroom and suddenly your underwear was so soaked it was insane. (This is talking highschool/middleschool age, so careful with the replies lol). And it could dry on them and make em crusty, it could get bad enough that the underwear could get holes in them if they go long enough without being washed. Sorry for the grossness, tween girls can be unsanitary too

11. Some women have larger labias and sometimes they get stuck in our underwear. It’s VERY painful and extremely uncomfortable. And then we have to either walk funny to try to get them unstuck or walk very, very carefully to somewhere where we can just stick a hand down our pants to get things sorted. And don’t get me started about getting stuck in lace underwear!

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