50 Secrets Your Girlfriend Has Been Keeping From You

50 Secrets Your Girlfriend Has Been Keeping From You

36. My nipples can be like two clitorises on my chest. Rubbing them very gently, licking, being kind = i get super wet and aroused. Usually when I masturbate I stimulate a nipple at the same time.

I don’t know why dudes don’t try this more when I ask. Most go at my chest like they want to smoosh my boobs like dough or suck a nipple like they’re angry and trying to lengthen it.

What I think they don’t get is there’s so much versatility in the body. I like rough play too but tender play is a whole other lovely world.

37. There’s a reason that periods also cause lots of pooping: “The lining of the uterus (endometrium) releases prostaglandins. These hormones help the uterus to contract during a period. Prostaglandins also help smooth muscles in the digestive tract to contract. This can lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain.”

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