50 NSFW Things That (Probably) Happened At Hogwarts That Weren't Shown In The 'Harry Potter' Films

50 NSFW Things That (Probably) Happened At Hogwarts That Weren’t Shown In The ‘Harry Potter’ Films

7. James Potter was the one to pass on the Invisibility Cloak onto Harry. Going off his reputation in the book where he was portrayed as a bad boy rebel teen who was popular amongst his classmates, I think it’d be safe to assume he was DEFINITELY getting some ass back then. It must’ve been so easy for him to be sneaking girls back into his dorm and banging them.

The girls could remain anonymous too because he could sneak them out just as easily as he brought them in. If there ever were an STD outbreak in Hogwarts, I’d definitely put my money on James as the culprit.

It’s not hard to see why a nerd, like Snape (RIP OG), would be mad Lily was hanging with James. Nice guy syndrome anyone?

8. Teenage boys trying to use spells and potions to make their penis bigger and ending up having to go to the Hospital Wing.

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