50 NSFW Things That (Probably) Happened At Hogwarts That Weren't Shown In The 'Harry Potter' Films

50 NSFW Things That (Probably) Happened At Hogwarts That Weren’t Shown In The ‘Harry Potter’ Films

46. I’ve always wondered what the limit to magical plastic surgery is. When Hermione had her teeth shrunk, she let Madam Pomfrey not only shrink them back to normal size, she also had them straightened. What is the extent of body modification available to people without having to go to a medical witch or wizard specialist?

47. Given that children as young as 11 are given wands and potion ingredients, there have to be just… SO many weird genital injuries that Madame Pomfrey has to deal with.

48. People using polyjuice potion to see their classmates naked or have sex with celebrities.

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