50 Insanely Creepy Stories That Prove Your Phone Is Listening To Everything You Say 

50 Insanely Creepy Stories That Prove Your Phone Is Listening To Everything You Say 

15. I was literally thinking about buying a sleeping mask because I’ve been having trouble sleeping due to being very light sensitive. What’s the first ad I see on Instagram? HEY THERE! WANNA BUY A SLEEPING MASK???

16. There was a song in a movie or something and it was playing aloud, after I went to google it and I typed: ‘lyrics for…’ and before I finished, Google auto completed the query with the exact fucking song.

17. I had been skyping with my boyfriend (on my laptop) one night over the past summer, and somehow he had talked about Paramore, a band which I’ve never paid attention to or really cared about. He played one of their music videos and was sharing his screen with me.

Anyway, a little after that, I decided to go on my phone and check instagram, and the third post down was an ad for a Paramore concert in the city he lives in. It was creepy af.

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