50 Insanely Creepy Stories That Prove Your Phone Is Listening To Everything You Say 

50 Insanely Creepy Stories That Prove Your Phone Is Listening To Everything You Say 

6. It wasn’t even my phone but a good friend/coworker’s phone. She had her phone on her, I did not. I tell her I saw the pictures she posted from a wedding she attended and mentioned that the dress she wore was so gorgeous and where was it from. She tells me Rent the Runway and I start asking questions: how did you like RtR? Did it have good options? Was it easy to use? I am going to a wedding in a few months and I was thinking about trying it but had yet to actually look into it.

Later that day I am checking FB and there’s that ad for Rent the Runway. Friend’s phone seems to have overheard, knew who I was, and informed my FB to show me that ad. Thanks you creepy stalker.

7. Went to go pick up a dress with my friend yesterday – we had looked online for pics of it, and couldn’t find any. Today, instagram “suggests” a pic of a girl in that exact dress.

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