50 Insanely Creepy Stories That Prove Your Phone Is Listening To Everything You Say 

50 Insanely Creepy Stories That Prove Your Phone Is Listening To Everything You Say 

41. I was booking an event for a bachelor party at a go karting venue in Quebec. When I called to book, they answered in French. I don’t really speak the language, but being a polite Canadian, tried my best to ask them, in French, if they could speak in English. For two or three weeks after that conversation, every advertisement on my Facebook feed was in French – not for French services, or Quebec-based businesses – all ads, even the generic ones.

42. Had a conversation in the car with my girlfriend in which the game Battlefield was mentioned. Get to destination, check time on phone, notification from Amazon app telling me Battlefield is on sale… not even a fan of that game, never searched it on Amazon, and Amazon app was not open previously.

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