50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

20. I tried reading the fucking Twilight book. I was so dumb.

21. My sophomore year of HS, I asked a girl out on Valentine’s Day by having red, pink and white carnations delivered to her homeroom. I walked by her homeroom, and my buddy gave me the negative headshake. Already disappointed, she came out and told me she had a boyfriend and asked me if understood. She kept on repeating “Do you understand?” repeatedly. In retrospect, I probably had the “deer in headlights” look on my face.

The worst part was that I was pretty confident about her saying yes and had told all my friends about it. The train ride home that afternoon was pure hell as my friends razzed me non-stop for the entire ride. In my defense, she had invited me to her birthday party a few weeks before and her boyfriend wasn’t there and he wasn’t brought up at all. So… yeah. To say I was gun-shy after that would be a major understatement.

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