50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

19. I hoarded a bunch of stuffed animals I won at a local arcade over the summer for this girl I really liked. One night, I thought, you know, tonight’s the night. I’m going to surprise my crush with all these stuffed animals, and she’s going to fall in love with me. So, I threw them in a white garbage bag, walked two miles down the road to her house during sunset, and knocked on her door. She answered the door while I concealed the bag of goodies behind my back. She awkwardly asked what I was doing at her house and I revealed the surprise. She slowly grabbed the bag from me, looked inside of it, and gave me an awkward thanks while closing the door. Right then and there, I realized I miscalculated the gesture and probably looked like a huge creepy fuck. I power-walked back home and to this day, I still think about it from time to time. I think it’s my brain’s way of punishing me eternally for putting it through that whole thing.

I’m loaded with stupid stories like this one because I am a huge romantic and I tend to get bitten in the ass in one way or another because I just don’t see clearly when I’m in the haze of being in love…

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