50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

6. Got a tattoo to impress a girl in my psych class. It did nothing and now I have a piece of shit piece by a guy named Philly Steve on my leg forever.

7. Tried to backflip from a 5m diving board, there was no flipping involved, just me falling on my back into a pool from 5m high. Shit didn’t feel good, don’t know which one was more bruised, my back or my ego…

8. Caught a couple of buses and went to a mall which was a city away just to get her favorite cupcakes.

I had to careful calculate my trip so I could get them to her during her half an hour break at work.

To not throw her off guard, I had told her that I had passed by the mall to grab something else and just happened to be in the area where she worked.

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